Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jessica Hische



...well, nothing makes me feel more awesome about my life than listening to the outrageous successes of another's...

...that was sarcasm by the way.

Okay, I'm not that down on myself, but it can be a little discouraging when one compares themself to somebody who's capable of freaking making THIS --> and who was recruited straight out of college to do work, and who appears to be perfectly happy doing all these things in their life. Yeah, all that seemingly unnatainable awesomeness aside, it was incredibly interesting to hear about the type of work she was doing her foundation year at Tyler, and the level of commitment she had to her work. Based on her oration, it seems that she pinpointed her artistic interest - lettering, etc. - relatively quickly in the game, which allowed her to focus on honing her skills in said field throughout the duration of her college years. I find this to be absolutely incredible, and as I have responded to other lectures we've been required to witness, I desperately hope to find the specific field that interests me relatively early in the program.

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